Software and data


Word sense

Lexical and phrasal entailment data: Lexical and phrasal entailment rules derived from the SICK textual entailment data (described in this paper) is available here

All-words lexical substitution: The data from the 2014 EACL paper is here.

Graded sense and usage annotation: For information and data, go to the Graded sense and usage annotation page.

Semantic roles

Salsa: The first release of the SALSA corpus is available: a German newspaper corpus annotated with semantic roles in the FrameNet paradigm

Story Salads

The story salad data is here.

The Human100 data is here.

Wikipedia character summaries

Used in: Eric Holgate and Katrin Erk. "Politeness, you simpleton!" retorted [MASK]: Masked prediction of literary characters. To appear at IWCS.

The Wikipedia character summaries are here.


Shalmaneser is a system for automatic partial semantic analysis. It assigns word senses and semantic roles in the FrameNet paradigm to English or German text. (And by the way, it got its name from Shalmaneser, not Shalmaneser.)