R code: nonparametric tests
hinton.attention = data.frame(child = c("susan", "linda", "john", "mary", "peter", "ian", "trevor", "andrew", "helen", "christine"), rating = c(67, 55, 26, 70, 36, 57, 32, 65, 59, 24))
# add column with initials
hinton.attention$initial = toupper(substring(hinton.attention$child, 1,1))
# code boy / girl
hinton.attention$girl = c(T, T, F, T, F, F, F, F, T, T)
# plot as in the Hinton book: actual scores
plot(hinton.attention$rating, rep(2, 10), xlab = "attention", ylab= "gender", type = "n", yaxt = "n")
text(hinton.attention[hinton.attention$girl == T,]$rating, rep(1.5, 5), hinton.attention[hinton.attention$girl == T,]$initial)
text(hinton.attention[hinton.attention$girl == F,]$rating, rep(1.3, 5), hinton.attention[hinton.attention$girl == F,]$initial)
# add ranking to data frame
# note the function 'rank'.
# it can also handle ties
hinton.attention$rank = rank(hinton.attention$rating)
# demo'ing 'rank'
rank(c(3,1,4,5,2,2,2,2), ties.method = "first")
rank(c(3,1,4,5,2,2,2,2), ties.method = "average")
# how many boys above each girl's rank
# and vice versa
hinton.attention$above = 0
for (i in 1:nrow(hinton.attention)) {
hinton.attention[i,]$above = nrow(hinton.attention[hinton.attention$girl == !(hinton.attention[i,]$girl)
& hinton.attention$rank > hinton.attention[i,]$rank,])
# summed 'above' values for girls
sum(hinton.attention[hinton.attention$girl == T,]$above)
# and for boys
sum(hinton.attention[hinton.attention$girl == F,]$above)
# another way of getting at the same numbers:
# compare actual summed ranks of girls to optimum number possible
maxrating.girls = 5 * 5 + (5 * 6)/2
actualrating.girls = sum(hinton.attention[hinton.attention$girl == T,]$rank)
mannwhitney.U.girls = maxrating.girls - actualrating.girls
maxrating.boys = 5 * 5 + (5 * 6)/2
actualrating.boys = sum(hinton.attention[hinton.attention$girl == F,]$rank)
mannwhitney.U.boys = maxrating.boys - actualrating.boys
# doing the test: same as two-sample Wilcoxon rank sum test
wilcox.test(hinton.attention[hinton.attention$girl == T,]$rating,
hinton.attention[hinton.attention$girl == F,]$rating, alternative = "greater")